Corporate Audiences
Mr. Wheatfall is a powerful Corporate Speakers, delivering motivational speeches that create an impact in people's lives by driving them toward productive action. Donavan urges people to stay away from detrimental habits or behaviors and inspires them to accomplish their goals and fulfill their dreams regarding their profession.
Mr. Wheatfall has travelled the global being an Ambassador abroad to places like Japan, Hungary and Swaziland in South Africa just to name a few. Donavan’s formal education in computer science and business management and information system from Texas A&M has given him a platform to reach so many in the business & technology communities. His life experiences as a serial entrepreneur, generating multi-million in revenue, provide him with credibility to help business maximize the human resource potential. Regardless of your topic of interest, you might be kicking off an education program. You may be looking to motivate your sales staff to take it up a notch and produce at a higher level. Donavan has the in the trenches experience to help inspire your critical business departments to produce in a consistent and committed way. |
Today we look around us and notice a generation that seems somewhat baffled, misguided and all together jaded by a crumbling social order. Many of our young, gifted and talented youth find themselves confined to alternate realities fighting for a since of self; trying to grasp for an identity. In an every growing, fast paced, technological community some have been left behind, over looked, or plain forgotten about all together. They hang in the balance like grapes on a withered vine of missed opportunities, bad choices and negative peer influence.
We also find a youth population posed like never before to be innovator, creators and trailblazers. For parents struggling with their children. For youths struggling with themselves. Donavan speaks to you. Whether you are in an identity crisis or a family crisis, Donavan speaks peace to your mental storms, calm to your countless emotional earthquakes, and soothing rain drops on your heated heartbreaking days. |
The Youth & Collegiate Student |
The Fitness Industry
NOT JUST TALKDonavan Wheatfall is not one just just talk about what hard work and dedication can do. He does it! He takes his drive and passion for business, technology and also applies those same principles to his personal health and fitness.
We live in a world of physical challenges. What should we eat to stay healthy? How much should we exercise to keep in shape? Can we live a long and prosperous life surrounded by sugary foods and tempted by a sedentary lifestyle of streaming video? While the web is full of exercise and nutrition articles, it’s difficult to know the good advice from the bad. Donavan Wheatfall doesn’t just talk the talk, he walks the walks and leads by example. Donavan can help you separate the fitness fact from nutrition fiction so you can lead a healthier and fuller life. Book Donavan today as a Top Exercise keynote speaker. |